​​​​​​​Innes Dean Club Competition


Feilding Netball Club

Feilding Netball Club is the oldest netball club in the Manawatu District, having been around longer than 50 years.  The Club is governed by a Committee elected at our AGM, governed by a constitution and registered as incorporated. The Club provides for and welcomes players from not only the Feilding community, but the wider Manawatu District.  Our Club has a proud history, having had many of players past and present play and coach at Representative and Silver Fern level.  Our Club provides not only for competitive teams, starting with development level upwards, but also some self-managed social teams.  Our Club will have 2 teams in the 2025 Premier Grade competition which is played on Tuesday evenings, and around 4-5 teams in the Saturday Club competition.  Our Club is lucky to have good quality coaches who have proven successful results.  Our competitive teams will train, with Tuesday Premier teams training indoors.  Feilding Netball Club welcomes all present, past and new members and endeavours to provide the best possible netball experience for our members.

Trial dates for 2025 are likely to be late February/Early March – so keep an eye out on our Facebook page for more details.  We hope you will join us!

Email: feildingnetballclub@gmail.com 

Massey Netball Club Palmerston North

Massey Netball Club Website - check it out

Massey Netball (MN) is a club of volunteers made up of current students, past students AND non-students. We have around 150 members covering a wide spectrum of ages ranging from 15 years to Masters level and a range of skill levels from Representatives, Premier, to Social-Competitive, to ‘I’ve never played before. If you want to play we will find the team for you!

You will find our season fees to be very competitive which helps to cover Netball Manawatu's fees along with social events, playing equipment and warm up shirts. The club has a fantastic friendly atmosphere and our goal is to provide a place where players can balance study/work/family/social or whatever AND play netball. We want you to enjoy Netball, grow as a player, and create friendships with others. Massey Netball has about 10 competitive netball teams playing in the Netball Manawatu competition in any given year plus another 10 teams in our own ‘very social (mixed)’ league.

All players are expected to trial for these teams and all teams are expected to train weekly. Trainings are generally held at Massey courts and/or in the Massey University Teaching Gym/Sports Hall.

If you are wanting ‘Social Social’, Massey Netball also run our own social grade competition (can be mixed teams) at Massey courts on SATURDAY MORNINGS during semester time only for those who want to give the game a go, keep active during study time without the stress of committing to weekly training. There are no trials for this Saturday morning league. If you are keen to get involved in our social league competition, register through our Website.

Current, past and new members are welcome!

Contact us by:

A) Emailing us at massey.netball@gmail.com (best method if new to the club)

B) Adding ‘Massey Netball Manawatu’ as a friend on 


Trial dates 2025


  • If you are interested in trialling for the top 5 competitive-premier teams (A1, A2, Prem Reserves, A3, A4), these trials are on Wednesday 5th March (open) and Thursday 6th March (callbacks only). Premier 1 teams (A1, A2, Premier Reserves) play on a Tuesday night and our A3/A4 teams play Prem 2-3 play on a Saturday. Our B1s also grade for Prem 4 or the grade just below this.
  • Trials for competitive social teams will be Monday 3rd March and Tuesday 4th March. 
  • If you’re unsure which trial you should attend please come to the Monday or Tuesday trial, and let the organisers know you are unsure. The lead selector or trial organizer will inform you to return on Wednesday or Thursday night if need be. 
  • Timings are; 5:00-5:30pm sign-in, 5.30 pm warm-up, 6.00 pm start. All trials are held at Massey University Rec Centre at the netball outdoor courts (M-W) and inside (Th). 
  • All trialists need to register before coming to trials:

Please register your details online, which you can access via our Website www.masseynetball.co.nz or via our Facebook page ‘Massey Netball Manawatu’ BEFORE YOU COME TO TRIALS. Email us netballclub@musa.org.nz  if you have any questions or issues and we will send you the link to register.

Uniform Colours: Blue, Navy Blue and White

Head over to www.masseynetball.co.nz for more information

John Atkins is also running some pre-season Trainings on Sundays (16th, 23rd Feb and 2nd March) leading up to trials, 3-4pm in the Teaching Gym at Massey Rec centre.

College Old Girls Netball Club (COG)

College Old Girls is excited to be part of the 2025 netball competition. We are looking forward to a full season and competition this year!  We are a well-established Club with 50-plus years of netball history in this region across all aspects of the game.

We pride ourselves on our family-friendly culture and as a Club, extend a warm welcome to returning and new members, players, umpires, coaches and supporters. With our wide range of skill mix across our teams, we offer something for everyone whether your focus is competitive or purely social.


Competition Grades will not trial this year –to register interest or join a team, please contact us via the College Old Girls Netball Club Facebook page


Committee members:

Chairperson: Golda Smith

Secretary: Georgia Trembath

Treasurer: Maria Greig-Anderson

Catherine Cornelius; Nicola Cain, Holly Gibbons; Joyce Ohlson


Marist Netball Club

Marist Netball, as it is now known, has been a force in the Manawatu Netball scene for over half a century.Originally called St. Joseph's Old Girls (coached by Betty Steffenson) and later named Convent Old Girls, it became Marist in 1987. However, the club's players continue to wear the traditional black and white colours that are symbolic of the Catholic Sisters of Mercy Order. This Order made a huge contribution to both primary and secondary education in New Zealand including Palmerston North from the 1920s until 1987 when the last nun (Sr Clare Vaughan) was farewelled at St Peter's College.The Sisters passed on their love of netball to all the girls in their charge and thus created a foundation for Marist Netball and kindred clubs throughout the country.

Our Marist A1 team will be playing in the promotion/relegation tournament on April 12th/13th for a spot in the Tuesday night Premier 1 grade. Any players wishing to trial for our A1 side, will need to be available Tuesday evenings and Saturdays.

We field teams from Premier through to Social and have the full support of the Marist Sports Club and the other codes.

2025 Trials:

Thursday 13th March - 5:30pm Warm up and registrations, 6pm start Saturday 15th March - 10am Warm up and registrations, 10:30am start Tuesday 18th March - 5:30pm Warm up and registrations, 6pm start 

Social Teams We will be having a "SOCIAL TEAMS" get together closer to the start of the season, date TBC. This is an opportunity for existing teams to have a run around, and for any new social players to meet their teams and get to know each other. 

The season will start on the 3rd May 2025 with the last game being the 16th August 2025. 

The link to our registration form is: https://www.sporty.co.nz/viewform/326959

All players must register, even if you wish to join an existing team.

Contact Details for 2025 - email us at:

 netball@maristsports.co.nz Jaclyn Turner - Club Captain

Sarah Skilton - Treasurer and Secretary - email netballtr@maristsports.co.nz 

Facebook: Marist Netball Palmerston North

Uniform Colours: Black with Green and White Detailing 

Bunnythorpe Netball Club

Bunnythorpe Netball Club has a strong member base (approx. 5 teams) of friendly girls from across the Manawatu, who love their netball whether played at a competitive or social level.  We are very proud to have been thriving for over 50 years.  We train at Vautier Park on Wednesday nights and encourage a supportive, social environment for all in our club.  All ages, fitness levels and new players to the region are welcome to attend trials.

2025 Trials to be held on court 16 and 17 (back courts) of Vautier Park:

Sunday 9th March 1.00pm and Wednesday 12th March 5:45pm. 

All players are welcome to trial and are invited to fill in the form on our Facebook page, Bunnythorpe Netball Club.  Please contact us if you would like to trial but are unavailable to attend on these days.

Please contact us if you are interested Coaching or Umpiring at any level in 2025.

Raelene Watts

​​​​​​​021 267 5420


Bunnythorpe Netball Club

Uniform Colours: Green, Navy Blue and White.

FRFC Netball Club - Feilding Yellows

Feilding Yellows has a wealth of history and passion in both netball and rugby – Feilding Yellows is the oldest rugby club in New Zealand. We are home to six netball teams, across a variety of grades from Prem through to Social. We do not hold trials but have experienced and capable managers & coaches who are always looking for new players to join their teams. We provide a friendly and welcoming environment, encouraging all players to become a part of our passionate club. We have fantastic clubrooms where netballers are encouraged to come back and enjoy the fun and relaxed atmosphere at Johnston Park, Feilding. Feilding Yellows run several social events every year, with all club members and their whanau welcome to attend.

Contact: Lou Briggs – 027 368 1018
Email: lou.briggs9@icloud.com
Uniform Colours:  Black, yellow and white

Bits & Pieces Netball Club

Is a one team club playing as Scenic Fresh. We are a group of mature netballers playing in a competitive social grade. We do not train and have a lot of fun.

Any interested players for 2025 please e-mail Kim at kimsearle@hotmail.co.nz


Manawanui Netball Club is a newly established club with Netball Manawatu. We are a new and small club that is committed and passionate about netball.  Our kaupapa  is first to enjoy the sport we all love, Netball. 

Our Club captains: 

Maria Tipa-Mako 0278278136 

Email address: Manawanuinetball@outlook.com

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Manawanui-Netball-Club-102687035656429/ 

Te Kawau Netball Club

Te Kawau Netball Club is a community-orientated club, we are small but passionate about netball and we cater for both junior & senior players.

We have our own training facilities with indoor and outdoor use.

We are always looking for new players, coaches and managers to join our club and get involved. 

You can keep up to date with most club information on our Facebook Page, where you can ask any further questions. 


Club Contacts:

Julie Russell:     027 355 7095                     

Karen Pedley:  021 822 830



St Peter's Old Girls (SPOG) Netball Club

Kia ora from SPOG.  

St Peter's Old Girls Netball Club Inc welcomes all returning and new players to the 2025 season.  We are a whānau-focused and passionate netball club that caters for premier, competitive and social players.  We aim to provide pathways for secondary school players and leavers to enter the club competition in a supportive environment.  We have committed and enthusiastic coaches/managers for all our teams and look forward to another excellent netball season.

For the 2025 season, we have spots available for players in our non training Semi Competitive and Social Teams - if you are interested please make contact via email or our facebook page. 

See our SPOG Netball Club Facebook page for more information

For any inquiries please contact: Jan McLeod (Club Captain)

Phone: 027 211 6610

Email: stpetersoldgirls@gmail.com

Feilding Old Boys Oroua RFC

Feilding Old Boys Oroua RFC (Stags) was established in 2008 after parent clubs merged to bring together town and country, in one club with a huge heart.  We pride ourselves on encouraging a supportive family atmosphere through promoting fair play, healthy competition, and community spirit, amongst general promotion of our Rugby and Netball clubs activities, all whilst still having fun.  We cater for netball players of all ages and abilities.  The Stags currently have between 4-5 netball teams ranging from super social to competive. We have clubrooms based in Feilding and Kimbolton where everyone can come and enjoy a fun and relaxed environment.  We run and compete in social twilight netball rounds during the off-seasons to encourage fitness, fun and socialising amongst our community.

We welcome all new players, coaches, and managers wanting to join our club.  

Contact: Lucy Ratana (Club Captain)Email: lucyratana@gmail.com     

Phone: 0274247891


Sunday 23rd Feb. 3.30pm at North Street school back court- Feilding. 

Kia Toa Netball Club

KiaToa Netball Club consists of over 10 teams ranging from Prem 2 to super social. These amazing girls come from all walks of life. If you can't hear us laughing and vibing on the court you will definitely hear us at the Vautier park bar. We are a large group of socially competitive ladies who would love to see more join the club.

Cubrooms are Barber Hall this year due to the fire in early 2024. However we still meet up with the rugby boys and women every home game and have social events monthly. Our pre- season training will be held on 11th February 2025 for potential players for the year's competition.

Follow us on Facebook or email Suzie at Manawatukiatoarfc@gmail.com 

Bush Netball Club

Bush Netball Club is a Pahiatua based netball club, of approx. 50 players.  We are a welcoming, small town, family-friendly club that often get together socially throughout the season. 

We field 5 teams in the Vautier Park Saturday competition, in grades ranging from Premiers to Senior Reserve B1.

Whether you are out there to win or just wanting to have a run around, keep fit and add some sports into your social life – we have a team for everyone!

Club Trials 2025

Sunday 23 February at 4pm

Tuesday 25 February at 6pm

Both trials will be held at Bush Multisport Park, Pahiatua.  All welcome. 

If you are wanting to play but are unable to make it; or for any other enquires please contact Club Captain Kate Steminger

Phone: 0273 841 365

Email: kata_roo@hotmail.com

Red Sox Manawatu Sports Club

Red Sox Manawatu Sports Club is based in Palmerston North.

Our club supports a wide range of netball and football teams playing in both social and competitive grades, some play to enjoy the social aspects of the game and other teams play competitively and hold regular training nights.

We can be serious on the courts, but we are always social at the Red Sox Clubrooms situated overlooking the Vautier Park back netball courts.

Our clubrooms have full bar and function facilities and are open every Saturday during the season, entrance is from 916 Tremaine Ave.

Like us on Facebook, see our upcoming activities, announcements, and monthly events - Red Sox Facebook PagePlayers, coaches, managers, and supporters come and join us!

Kiterangi Lewis

Red Sox Netball Club Captain



Temina Jenkins

Red Sox Netball Coordinator 



Ashley Thomas 

Red Sox Vice President

021 088 45556 


Feel free to go and like the Red Sox Manawatu Facebook Page to keep an eye on any updates or notices. 

Freyberg Netball Club

Ngā mihi kia a koutou, 

Welcome to Freyberg Rugby/Hockey/Netball club! 

Our club has been building and developing over the years, and we now have Rugby, netball and Hockey as part of our club! We are a very whanau-orientated club and we love to gather together for social events at our very own clubrooms on a Saturday night after a big day of sport! 

 Our netball club is built off the values - of TRUST, RESPECT and DIVERSITY (Our club is your club)! All we ask is you bring the same values with you on and off the court!

Due to many of our committee members moving away, we haven't had the opportunity to complete a trial for our club this year! 

So, this year will be a little bit different for Freyberg Netball, but our values will remain the same:) 

We are looking for competitive and social teams that are already created and are looking for a club to play for!  

We will support your teams, managers and coaches and you will become Freyberg! We provide uniforms, gear bags, equipment etc! As well as the fun social nights at the clubrooms!! 

If this sounds like you, please get in contact!! 

We currently have one confirmed competitive team with our club this year and we are open to having up to 5 teams! We also try our best to be a club with cheaper fees. You can be super competitive or super social, we are a judgement-free club - so if the shoe fits, lace it up! 

Contact us via: 

Email: Freybergognetball@outlook.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FOGNETBALL

Instagram: https://instagram.com/freybergognetball?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

We have everything you need and would love to hear from you! We want to support where we can in our community! 

Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou 

Freyberg OG Netball committee ​​​​​​​

Sisterhood Netball

Sisterhood Netball are looking for players interested in playing in the Prem 2 grade this season.

Positions needed are GS/GA and C/WA

If you are interested in playing feel free to contact Anita Te Amo on facebook or 0272947559

Uniform Colours:  Black and Pink

Takaro Netball

Takaro Netball is one of the newest club’s with Netball Manawatu, established in 2022

We cater to competitive, development and social grades.

As a club we are here to ensure that all players no matter your skill level have a place to play the game you all love.

Last year saw us with 2 social teams and 5 competitive teams  from Senior A to Prem 2

We welcome all new members, no matter your experience and anyone interested in umpiring or coaching at club level.

Our registrations are now open

We are structuring the registration process slightly different this year to allow for growth and flexibility and to ensure everyone has a chance to play and enjoy a wonderful season.

You will be able to either:

- register an entire team (10-12 players) in the social or competitive grade of your choosing

- OR attend trials for our competitive and development teams

- OR register as a player for Senior A grade and below, and we will put you in a team

Trialists will attend (Vautier Park, courts TBC):

- *Competitive development* Sunday 9th March 1:30-2:30pm

- *Prem 2-4 grades* Sunday 9th March 3-4pm

- *Prem 2-4* Wednesday 12th March 6-7:30pm

Any TEAM that is self-organising MUST be registered by Sunday 2nd March. These teams can provide their own coach if they wish.

Trialling teams will be coached and are expected to attend trainings throughout the season. If any other team wishes to train regularly, you can reach out to us and the club will support you to do this.


Any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out!

If you would like more information, please get in contact with our Club President;

Tania Rosvall

Email: takaronetball@gmail.com

Phone: 027 407 8933

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Takaro-netball-101746915752969/

Instagram: https://instagram.com/takaronetball?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


AUMĀIA Sports Club was established in 2019 to provide and promote healthy lifestyle opportunities using sports as a vehicle through a Māori lens. 2022 was our first year in the Netball Manawatū competition where we entered 2 teams in the social grade. Rangatiratanga (leadership), and Whakawhanaungatanga (establishing relationships) are key components within the club and lays the foundations for everything AUMĀIA Sports Club exemplifies. We welcome all new players, coaches, managers and umpires wanting to join our club.

If you'd like additional information on the upcoming 2025 season, please join our Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/groups/660650562049630.

Our whakawhanaungatanga/muster day is held March 9th 2025.

For any enquiries please contact: Te Ara Ponga (Club Rep)

Phone: 027 369 8054

Email: aumaiasports@gmail.com


Contact Details: 

Valerie Sampson


Tennille Woods 
